Saturday, January 7, 2012

   I started this blog because I made a resolution with my sister-in-law to give up sugar. But seeing as though a third of people who make a new year's resolution don't make it to the end of January, we desided to send eachother a daily reminder in the form of a diary entry. My first day I sent her:

                                           Day 1:
                                                 The box of chocolates on the counter has
                                            been whispering sweet nothings into my ear
                                            all day day "Just one bite" and "Dark chocolate
                                            is good for you" are some of its favorites. I'll
                                            admit, I did eat an extra piece yesterday as kind
                                            of a "good bye old friend". It hasn't been too
                                            bad so far but that chocolate box has it's eye on

    When I told people about our resolution and our "Daily reminders"to eachother I was surprised that they wanted me to send them my daily posts. Now that I have a small following, I've desided it would be best to start a blog. I hope I can inspire people to not only stick to what you have promised yourselves but to make lifestyle changes and continue to challenge yourself everyday.

                             Today is day 4.
                                               I had a dream about sugar last night .....But
                                        That's not what I want to talk about today. I
                                        did some research and did you know that your
                                        liver is the most metabolic organ in your body?
                                        And if it's not working in tip top shape, wieght
                                        loss can be way harder! So how can you make
                                        sure your liver is fuctioning at it's best? If you
                                        stop eating processed foods, artificial sweeteners,
                                        and sugar, your liver will heal itself and begin
                                        functioning  better then ever! The fat will fall
                                        off (don't hold me to that ;-)) !
                                          So I forgot to tell my new comers that I want
                                        to hear back from you! I feel like I'm accountable
                                        to you and it keeps me going. So I want you to
                                        feel accountable too! Tell me everyday about
                                        your struggles, temptations and small victories!

   Please leave some feed back! What is your resolution? Haven't made on yet? It's not too late!

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