Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 60:
So the green smoothie is a lot better tasting then it looks. here's what I put in mine: 

1. Nonfat Greek yogurt 
2.Half an orange/tangerine 
3. A handful of spinach
4.A small head of broccoli with the stem 
5. A couple whole frozen strawberries and other frozen fruit ( I had a mix of papaya and pineapple )

I also put some water in it because it was really thick. It made two big smoothies and they were really good! 
Day 59:
So this whole blog is not going as smoothly as I would like. I was sure by now, I would be in the best shape of my life and get to tell you of my victory... Well I have made progress, but slowly. I have been told many times that I need to give it more time. My body is still recovering from child birth, my hormones are still all over the place. But I don't want to sit back and wait. It is not like me to give up or "take it easy". So I took a look at my routine and a good look at my diet and I decided that I needed to do something about dinner. I consume most of my calories at dinner time and that's bad.
I have said before that my husband is not capable of gaining weight it seems. The last 5 years I've been trying to put enough meat on his bones to keep his wedding ring from falling off and that still hasn't happened. Don't get me wrong, I love him just the way he is and I really don't want to change a single hair on his head (they'll be falling out soon enough on their own lol :-)) But I don't want to change his diet. So I got out the blender, some vegetables, nonfat Greek yogurt, and a few frozen berries and I blended my dinner up. It looked awful but it didn't taste bad at all! I plan On drinking my dinner for awhile now, we'll see if it makes a difference.
Day 58:
   This weekend Matt and I built some raised bed gardens. Every year we start a garden and every year the gofers eat it. So we finally built some gofer-proof gardens. I've been drying seeds all year and I'm very excited to be able to grow our own vegetables! Is anyone else growing their own garden this year? 
Day 55:
Today I received new tea in the mail! It's not just any tea, it's amazing tea! It looks amazing! It smells amazing! But more importantly, it tastes amazing! I get loose leaf tea. Once you've tried it, you will never go back to bagged tea from the grocery store. With under 5 calories a cup (as long as you don't add anything like cream and sugar) and many health benefits, its a great thing to turn to when you want a snack. It probably shouldn't be considered a snack, but if you take the time to brew it and enjoy it you probably won't feel like eating anymore.... Maybe :-) Now I think I'll go enjoy a cup of my wonderful tea!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 54:
Nothing in life worth having comes easily. The harder you work for something, the more you are going to appreciate it when you get it. That applies to many things in life I think. I try to remind myself of that daily. I'm not going to workout one day and be in perfect shape the next. It's a slow process but it's nice to see progress. What really keeps me going are the people in my life that encourage me: Matt, Katie, and all of you who read my blog and let me know that I encourage you in some way. I find out all the time that someone else reads this and I had no idea! So keep the feedback coming! I love all of you!
Day 53:
A "not-so-wise-man" once told me that he didn't believe you could lose any weight if you took vitamins because vitamins had everything your body needed for the day. But your body needs calories. Hopefully you already knew that. I would have loved to tell this guy he was wrong but there was no since in arguing. Actually a multi vitamin can aid you in weight loss! Thiamin also known as vitamin B1,helps to convert carbs into energy! You can find thiamin in many everyday foods (just like any other vitamin or mineral), whole grains are a great source.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 52:
I learned about a local triathlon a few weeks ago. You might wonder who would want to do such a thing... ME! Also a few other people in my life:-) Matt said if I did it, he would do it too! I'm not positive that I'm going to commit to it just yet. I don't want it to take over my life. But if I can figure out how to train for it while still being a good wife and mother, I think I'm gonna go for it! What an accomplishment that would be! And if training just means more trips to the lake and longer bike rides with the man this summer, then why not? What do you think? Would want to hear about my training? Would you want to do it yourself? I would love to hear your feedback!
Day 51:
Yesterday I spent the day with my favorite "personal trainer". You would never know she has such tiny legs, they move so fast ;-) she brought her soccer ball and we did some drills in the front yard. I can feel all the running in my legs today and it feels good! Im excited to have different things to do so that I don't get bored doing the same thing over and over. Even though I'm terrible at all sports, I still have fun. I can't kick a ball straight to save my life. Maybe if I was playing on a flat surface it would help... So what are some things you do to keep active?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 50:
So I am waiting for my badminton set to get here! I found one on eBay for a really good deal! Yesterday I was able to get a basketball and volley ball. I still want to get a soccer ball. I am very excited! Yesterday Matt set up a punching bag that we've had put away for awhile. We have so many things we can do! So why am I sitting on the couch blogging? I guess I want to encourage you to get out and play! It doesn't have to be a "workout". Go have fun! You're never too old to play.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 48:
It's been a while! I have been so busy! Too busy to blog :-( but I'm back! I must confess that while making dozens and dozens of cheesecakes, I did have some. But I am cleaning the house of all the sugar once again... Well I do have some orders for this weekend... But after that :-).
The good news is, I've lost over an inch and a half off of my waist! And a whole inch off of my thighs! You would think that it would mean I've lost quite a few pounds also, but no, just a few. I'm glad that I've been keeping track of my measurements because if I wasn't, I'd be a little discouraged right now. But I've done this before and I know that it takes time to do this the "healthy" way. Also, the more muscle I build, the more calories I will burn everyday! Muscle feeds on fat and while you're putting on muscle, weight loss can be slow. The good thing is that I have definitely seen a difference in myself (Matt's made some comments too :-))! My legs look way more toned and squats and lunges have done wonders for the derrière :-) So I am pushing forward and continuing to challenge myself.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 34:
It's kind of funny that while not really eating sugar I would be selling desserts. It started because Matt, a man who really didn't care for cheesecake, fell in love with a cheesecake. Now that would have been fine but it was another woman's cheesecake. It's not like this lady bakes these for him. He found them at a store. Beautiful bite sized cheesecakes. But I was a little jealous so I set out to make him a better cheesecake. It took over a year but I think I finally got it! Everyone seems to love them and that is why I've been selling them. With valentines day around the corner I've been selling a ton! I hope to start selling to a few businesses soon also. But I must say that it's kind of strange that I would be doing this in the middle of my sugar strike ;-). And if anyone wants some amazing single serving cheesecakes let me know! I've been selling them by the dozen. You can get them plain but more popular is chocolate drizzled and strawberry. I can also do chocolate turtle and boysenberry! Ok, enough self promoting :-)
Day 33:
Today is the Superbowl. A day when chicken wings, chips, and beer seem to be in endless supply. You might sit around and snack on these foods all day. Even worse is when you skip breakfast because of the big meal ahead. Today I am at my in-laws getting ready for the big game. We had breakfast here and my sister made cinnamon rolls... I had one. If I'm at someone else's house and they feed me something "I'm not suppose to eat" I will eat it. I'm not going to ask them to make me something special. So that is an exception to the rule. But after I ate this amazing larger-than-life cinnamon roll, I got a horrible stomachache and ended up throwing it up :-( I think that much sugar after not really having any for awhile was not good. At least now I know. Next time I'll start out smaller... I hope everyone enjoys the Superbowl today and try's to spend a little more time around the vegetable tray rather then all the other "goodies".
Day 31:
   Well it was time to go grocery shopping again yesterday. I must say I'm pretty proud of how far we've come. We've always  eaten good food but when we both worked full time, we often  turned to quick and convenient. That is where we have improved. Now that I have the best job in the world (working for Taytum) I have more time to prepare meals. No processed food, nothing pre made. I love to admire my fridge after a shopping trip. I like to think that my whole refrigerator is a vegetable bin. So here's to buying better food. Because if you don't have junk in the house, you won't eat it :-)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 30:
Last night Matt and I had some undercooked chicken :-/ . It took me a little while to realize why I was waking up with such horrible pains in my stomach but early this morning I couldn't leave the toilet for more then a minute (and Matt was in the other bathroom with the same problem). Matt and I met back in the living room to say "I guess that chicken was undercooked". Great diet plan? I wouldn't recommend it!
Day 29:
I haven't blogged in a few days but that doesn't mean that I've haven't been sticking to my workouts and everything else. Actually I have been working harder everyday! I have a brother (you know who you are) that likes to remind me all the time that I can do better because he does better... All of my accomplishments are beneath him. As much as I'd like to smack him, I realize that he is only fueling my fire. I have 4 months until I see him and I am preparing to show him how it's done. I know we have different strengths so I will try to prey on his weaknesses and I'm sure he will do the same. But let's face it, I live in California where the sun is always shining and adventure is always calling. You live in the dark and dreary land of Colorado :-). This is a pretty childish post but I think everyone should have someone to compete with as long as it's fun competition and who better then a sibling? So it's on brotherman! Get ready!